Before we can delve into learning about ourselves and our mind, we should probably take a little time to get to know the old noodle personally. Here a few of the many amazing facts about the human brain.
1. Liiiiight Bulb!
So you know how on TV when ever someone gets an idea, this magical floating light bulb pops up out of no where? Although a magic floating bulb appearing over your head is pretty unlikely (I mean I've never experienced it, then again I don't have many bright ideas), there is some basis to this. Your brain is actually capable of generating enough energy to power a small light bulb. Watts up with that? Yea, I know...
2. Your Brain is Always Changing.
Hey, remember that time you went to that place and that thing happened? BAM! Your brain just changed. Every time you experience a memory or think of something new, your brain creates a new connection. Your brain is constantly changing with every new experience you have, every new smell, taste, and sound.
3. What is it You Ask?
Well the brain is made of 75% water, is about 2% of you body's weight, use around 17% of it's energy and 20% of the oxygen in your blood therefore 20% of you blood, and has enough room to hold an entire encyclopedia collection a few time over. (Information wise, not like trying to shove the books in your ear or anything.)
4.Your Brain Can't Feel Pain
So, my head is hurting but you telling me its not my brain? Well although not 100% sure, experts now think it's actually the tissue and nerves surrounding the brain that are sending the pain signals, not the brain itself. That's also why surgeons can operate on a patient's brain while they're awake, which helps them make sure they're not screwing things up in there.
5. Yea Right, in Your Dreams.
Have you ever been having a dream and realized your were asleep, giving you the ability to decide what happened next? This is called a Lucid Dream, it's when a person can control the outcome of they're dream when they're asleep. Kind of like "Inception". *wink wink*
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